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In 2021, a group of young companies within the European space sector came together to form YEESS, the Young European Enterprises Syndicate for Space, united by a shared vision for the industry’s future.

YEESS emerged from key discussions among the founders of Satlantis, Anywaves, Constellr, Exotrail, Aerospacelab, and Pangea Aerospace, who met during major EU space industry events such as the IAC and the European Space Conference. 

Recognizing shared challenges and a mutual desire to foster stronger dialogues with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission, they felt the need to advocate for greater private sector involvement in meeting public needs in space.

“After 30 years at the European Space Agency, I stepped on a new planet, the world of young space enterprises that I knew only at distance. Worlds are very different from inside than from outside. I have realized that if these young enterprises were all different by their people and by their purposes, they all had the same problem: to build up their place in a well organized space world while being a chance for that space world to adapt to a fast changing reality. Joining forces within YEESS was a way for each young enterprise to be taken collectively as an adult group of enterprises. After a couple of years, I can state that they were right. ” Jean-Jacques Dordain, Former ESA Director 

President Juan Tomas Hernani and VP Nicolas Capet

2024 General Assembly

Bremen Event 2023

Since 2022, YEESS has participated in numerous expos and conferences, notably the European Space Conference in Brussels, amplifying the collective voice of its members and focusing on six core missions. 

VP Nicolas Capet also attended several ESA high level forums in 2023 and 2024 to position YEESS as a key advisor to representatives of the ESA and the European Commission.

Beyond the founding companies, other prominent EU space players such as ReOrbit, Cailabs, U-Space, Isar Aerospace, Exolaunch, Latitude, and Unseenlabs have since joined YEESS.

Each year, the members gather for the Annual Event, which brings together key industry stakeholders, including ESA and European Commission representatives, to foster impactful discussions and celebrate their shared progress.

YEESS Events

Additionally, YEESS holds an annual General Assembly where members review and vote on the syndicate’s structure and manifesto, as well as evaluate membership applications. During the 2023 General Assembly, Exolaunch and Cailabs were welcomed as new board members. This gathering empowers members to shape the syndicate’s strategic direction.

As YEESS grows, so does its influence and mission scope, and it eagerly seeks to expand its membership to include even more pioneers in the European space sector. With invaluable support from ESA, the European Commission, and our dedicated members, YEESS continues to be a dynamic advocate for Europe’s space industry and its ambitious future.