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YEESS position on the EU Space Law consultation

YEESS welcomes the initiative to develop the EU Space Law, aiming to provide a unique and exemplary European answer to some of the main challenges the space sector is facing today: ensuring a safe,resilient and sustainable use of space for all.

YEESS aims to work with and for Europe andsupport collectively the competitiveness of Europe in space.  We want to emphasize the necessity to incorporate and invest in new, emerging and scaling-up companies who are imperative to the future of the European space economy.

We share the European Commission’s views and objective to ensure a safe, resilient and sustainable use of space. We call upon the EU institutions to consider the requirements highlighted in our response to remain inclusive of all space actors.  

YEESS welcomes further conversation with decision-makers to further discuss our position on the preliminary work on theEU Space Law and we look forward to partaking in the process.

YEESS position on the EU Space Law consultation

  • The EU Space Law should harmonize the existing and future space legislation in EU Member States, ensuring a strong and seamless EU Single Market by adopting common standards and policies. It is of utmost importance to reduce the complexity, as well as give the necessary clarity and visibility to launch a space company, encourage private investment, and hence, stir innovation.
  • A successful EU Space Law should also create the right conditions for innovation to shape a more secure and sustainable European space ecosystem, without limiting its growth and competitiveness. For instance, a differentiated approach regarding the purpose of the satellite, its altitude and capacity, is necessary not to over-burden missions that are marked by an inferior level of risk. Support given to emerging space stakeholders will also be key to reach a shared high level of standards, without hindering economic growth.
  • The text should also tackle the organization of the space industry in Europe, by being ambitious in ensuring an efficient, resilient and competitive supply chain in Europe, as well as having the space ecosystem engaged in safeguarding both the terrestrial and orbital environments in the long run.
  • The EU Space Law should be an occasion to have a weighing position on the international stage, as well as working towards a Level Playing Field for all space stakeholders competing in Europe.
  • A continued engagement with the SME and scaling-up space ecosystem is of utmost importance to ensure a successful and sustainable EU Space Law for every stakeholder, notably those represented by YEESS.

Read our full position on paper